Public Safety

Contact Numbers

For all emergencies, dial 9-1-1.

Police Non-Emergency Number: (301) 600-1046

Fire Non-Emergency Number: (301) 600-1536

Law Enforcement

The Town of Myersville contracts with the Frederick County Sheriff's Office for law enforcement services.

One (1) deputy is assigned as the Myersville Community Deputy.

The Community Deputy is authorized to sign and certify Safety Equipment Repair Orders (SEROs) if all identified defects can be visually inspected. This is indicated on the SERO by an asterisk after each item.

Fire Protection

The Town of Myersville is protected by the Frederick County Department of Fire and Rescue Services (DFRS).

Staff is available 24 hours a day at the Myersville Municipal Center.

The DFRS operates a Child Safety Seat Program to assist with proper installation of safety seats; interested parents may contact the hotline at (301) 600-SEAT or request assistance at the Myersville Municipal Center.