Snow Removal
Snow removal on roads maintained by the Town is provided by Brian's Lawn Service.
As required by Town Code, all residents in charge of property that borders a sidewalk must keep that section of sidewalk clear of ice and snow, and should treat remaining ice with abrasives or snow-melting chemicals if necessary for pedestrian safety. Sidewalks that have not been cleared within 24 hours of the end of a winter weather event will be subject to fines.
Snow piles cannot block access to fire hydrants or bus stops, and the Town asks that residents prepare for winter weather by removing vehicles and other obstructions such as trash cans and basketball hoops from the street to allow the contractor to clear and treat roadways accordingly. Please report violations of snow removal regulations to Town Hall during regular business hours.
Snow Removal Routes
The following map illustrates snow removal responsibility for roads located within the Town, as well as the locations of local school bus stops. Residents are expected to assist in maintaining clear ground so these bus stops may be safely used.